Aluminium Windows

Aluminum windows are available now with shorter lead times, the updated manufacturing process has made them significantly more affordable, available in every RAL colour and a choice of designs to suit every project.  Taking all this into account, you can see why the aluminum window market is thriving.

In partnership with Real Aluminum we can supply a range of casement windows, furthermore, we can also supply bi-folding doors, sliding doors, flat rooflights and glazed roofs.

Compliance with current building regulations is a vital part of every installation and can sometimes be complex. Using REAL Aluminium, meeting the requirements of Part L of current UK building regulations is easy as the entire range is compliant when installed with a double-glazed unit with a U Value of 1.2w⁄m2k and a solar gain of 0.71 or better that is manufactured using an Edgetech Super Spacer Bar or equivalent.

All REAL Casement Windows achieve an ‘A’-rating if the above glass unit is upgraded to low-iron glass.
The thermal efficiency of the REAL Aluminium range can be enhanced further by using higher performance double-glazed or triple-glazed units.

Benefits of using aluminium.

  • Thermally efficient
  • High Strenght
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Long lasting colour
  • Better functionality
  • Environmentally friendly

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